You Found Them Where?

On December 12, 2010, in Stories of Stories, by JRand

When our mother passed away and the family home was empty, my sister and I struggled with what to do with the house. It was loaded with the results and accumulations of two lifetimes, our parents, and of our childhoods. Much of which had not been thrown away. The house sat for too long with […]

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That Old Junk

On December 11, 2010, in Old Stuff, by JRand

Some of us are collectors and some are minimalists, essentially we are either pack rats or clean freaks. My family’s summer home is quite old and has thus far survived as a shared family possession through three generations. Drawers and closets contain many treasures but our medicine cabinets have always served as storage locations for […]

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On Our Past and Our Passing

On December 7, 2010, in Stories of Stories, by JRand

There is nothing of particular note in my memories and nothing of particular note in my life that that warrants particular note in history. I am not famous, likely will not become famous and frankly would not appreciate most of the consequences being so would entail. I am, like most, happy to only be noteworthy […]

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